Deep drop fishing spots off Virginia Beach are frequently in or near the same locations we travel to in search of tuna, mahi, and marlins. There are essentially two types of deep drop fishing out of Viginia Beach. One technique involves dropping hooked baits to the bottom. Our primary target species is blue line and golden tilefish. Depths for this can range from around 300 feet down to 700-800 feet. Rigs will consist of a heavy lead (16oz on up) and multiple hooks. We utilize reels with higher gear ratios to get the fish to the surface more quickly. We are also equipped with an electric assist reel and can use it to supplement this style of fishing. Besides tilefish anglers can expect to catch Black Belly Rose Fish, and the occasional Wreck Fish, Grouper, and Barrel Fish. While charters can book an all day deep drop trip if they desire we normally will deep drop as part of an offshore trip. Deep dropping is a good way to add some tasty fish to the cooler, especially on days when the surface troll is not as productive.
The other form of deep drop is drifting for Swordfish. We have two electric reels set up for swordfishing. Simply put we lower a single bait very deep, usually 1200 feet or more, and wait for a bite. If conditions are favorable we have the option of lowering a second bait on a float, suspended to a depth of 800-900 feet. Another species that may be caught utilizing these drift techniques is Bigeye Tuna. These tunas are usually larger than the typical Yellowfins we encounter and can weigh from 80 to well over 200 pounds. Swordfishing can be an all day stand alone trip or we can make a few drops during a normal offshore trip. In the Fall/ early Winter we can offer a half day sword/ half day wreck fishing trip as well.